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DeGa supporta i c​lienti durante delicate fasi di sviluppo e transizione personale, professionale ed organizzativa con interventi di coaching, mentoring e supervisione individuali e di gruppo.

Leggi l'opinione dei clienti

Garabet Ayvazian

Strategy & partner

Andrea Boggio


Luca had been my business coach for two years. Thanks to his clear mind and dedication, he helped me a lot to clarify the vision and the goal planning of the business. He acts with his coachee in a very friendly way, in any case keeping high the attention at the fostering of performances.

Luca’s expertise and forward thinking are the key to go through different working environments. This can even have a boost if professionals of same team have the opportunity to carry out, at same time, their own business coaching processes with him.

Con Luca abbiamo lavorato per circa due anni a un ambizioso progetto di passaggio generazionale in un’azienda di dimensioni medio-grandi. Il progetto ha progressivamente coinvolto fino al 20% circa del personale della società. 

L’attività ha riguardato anche un mio percorso individuale di Executive coaching che è stato molto importante e proficuo. Si è trattato di un’esperienza impegnativa sotto vari profili che, sono certo, genererà ancora frutti negli anni a venire.

Luca è una persona molto propositiva e aggiornata in grado di fornire grandi stimoli ai suoi coachees.

Carlo Carlotto

CFO & CEO Alpitel

I went through a path together with Luca for 12 months. Luca and his ability to manage coaching sessions helped me in analyzing, evaluate options and take decisions. More than that has refined my approach in managing all the different situations in my professional life. I really thanks Luca for the time spent together, I wish him all the best and recommend him and his company if you think about a coaching expirience and personal development.

Great job, thanks.

Davide Nicò

VP of Operations at Lindt & Sprüngli (USA) Inc.

Luca has been my coach for over a year by now and has gained my full tr​ust. He has strong preparation and experience, good empathy and a very pleasant interpersonal style. He helped me to become better at making decisions, by focusing on my key challenges, putting my professional issues (even when these were magnified by the pandemic) into the right perspective and remaining true to my personal values.

I would highly recommend him to anyone interested in professional coaching support.

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